Function Reference: h5info

: s = h5info (fname)
: s = h5info (fname, loc)

Return hdf5 file content description as a structure.

If a second optionnal argument loc is present, it must specify the location of an existing dataset or group in the form  a UNIX-like absolute path strarting from the root group, e.g. "/GroupA/DS1".

The output structure contains fields depending of the described contents.

For groups the fields are

NameName of the group
GroupsChild groups struct array
DatasetsChild datasets struct array
DatatypeDatatype struct info (see below)
AttributesAttributes of the group
LinksLinks to this group

For datasets the fields are

NameName of the dataset
DatatypeDatatype struct info (see below)
DataspaceDataset size
ChunkSizeData Chunk size if applicable
FillValueFill value for uninitialized data
AttributesAttributes of the dataset

For attributes the fields are

NameName of the attribute
DatatypeDatatype struct info (see below)
DataspaceAttribute size
ValueValue of the attribute

For datatype info the fields are

NameName of the type
SizeSize of the tyep in bytes
ClassBase HDF5 class of this type
TytpeHDF5 type string if the type is atomic or struct describing derived type.

See also: h5readatt

Source Code: h5info