

0.1.1 2023-04-02

Collection of Matlab compatible lowlevel functions to handle hdf5 files.

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High Level Functions

h5info Return hdf5 file content description as a structure.
h5readatt Read data associated to a group or dataset attribute ATTR, at location LOC.
read_mat73 Read variables from a HDF5 files formated according to Matlab's v7.3 format and return them as a struct.


H5A.close Terminates access to the attribute specified by ATTR_ID.
H5A.create Create an attribute, ATTR_NAME, which is attached to the object specified by the identifier LOC_ID.
H5A.get_num_attrs Return the number of attributes if successful; otherwise return a negative value.
H5A.get_space Retrieve a copy of the dataspace for an attribute ATTR_ID.
H5A.get_type Return a datatype identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.
H5A.iterate Iterate over the attributes attached to the dataset or group specified with LOC_ID.
H5A.iterate_by_name Iterate over the attributes attached to the dataset or group specified with LOC_ID and OBJ_NAME.
H5A.open Open an existing attribute, NAME, that is attached to an object specified by an object identifier, OBJ_ID.
H5A.open_name Open an attribute specified by its name, NAME, which is attached to the object specified with LOC_ID.
H5A.read Read an attribute specified with ATTR_ID.
H5A.write Write an attribute, specified with ATTRIBUTE_ID.


H5D.close End access to a dataset specified by DATASET_ID and releases resources used by it.
H5D.create Create a dataset, NAME, which is attached to the object specified by the identifier LOC_ID.
H5D.get_create_plist Return an identifier for a copy of the dataset creation property list associated with the dataset specified by DATASET_ID.
H5D.get_space Make a copy of the dataspace of the dataset specified by DATASET_ID.
H5D.get_type Return an identifier for a copy of the datatype for a dataset.
H5D.open Open the existing dataset specified by a location identifier and name, LOC_ID and NAME, respectively.
H5D.read Import data from dataset.
H5D.write See also: .


H5E.get_class_name See also: H5E.walk.
H5E.get_major See also: H5E.walk.
H5E.get_msg See also: H5E.walk.
H5E.oclear See also: H5E.walk.
H5E.set_auto See also: H5E.walk.
H5E.walk See also: H5E.clear.


H5F.close See also: .
H5F.create See also: .
H5F.open See also: H5F.close.


H5G.close Release resources used by a group which was opened by 'H5G.create' or 'H5G_OPEN'.
H5G.create Create a new group in a file.
H5G.open Open an existing group, NAME, at the location specified by LOC_ID.


H5I.get_name Retrieve a name for the object identified by OBJ_ID.


H5L.iterate See also: .
H5L.iterate_by_name See also: .


H5LT.dtype_to_struct See also: .
H5LT.dtype_to_text See also: .


H5ML.compare_values See also: .
H5ML.get_constant_names See also: .
H5ML.get_constant_value See also: .


H5O.close Closes the object, dataset, or named datatype specified by OBJECT_ID.
H5O.get_info_by_name The INFO_STRUCT structure contains fields: fileno; /* File number that object is located in addr; /* Object address in file type; /* Basic object type (group, dataset, etc.) rc; /* Reference count of object atime; /* Access time mtime; ...
H5O.open Open a group, dataset, or committed (named) datatype specified by a location, LOC_ID, and a path name, NAME


H5P.close See also: .
H5P.create See also: .
H5P.fill_value_defined See also: H5D.get_create_plist.
H5P.get_chunk See also: H5D.get_crreate_plist.
H5P.get_layout See also: H5D.get_create_plist.


H5R.create Create the reference, REF, of the type specified in REF_TYPE, pointing to the object name located at LOC_ID.
H5R.dereference Given a reference, REF, to an object or a region in an object, open that object and return an identifier.
H5R.get_obj_type See also: H5O.close.


H5S.close See also: .
H5S.create Create a new dataspace of a particular type.
H5S.create_simple Create a new simple dataspace and open it for access, returning a dataspace identifier.
H5S.get_simple_extent_dims See also: .
H5S.get_simple_extent_type Determine the current class SPACE_TYPE of a dataspace SPACE_ID.


H5T.array_create Create a new array datatype object.
H5T.close See also: .
H5T.copy See also: .
H5T.get_class Get the class of the data type specified by TYPE_ID.
H5T.get_order Get the byte order of the data type specified by TYPE_ID.
H5T.get_size See also: .
H5T.set_cset CHARSET must be "H5T_CSET_ASCII" or "H5T_CSET_UTF8".
H5T.set_order Set the byte order of the data type specified by TYPE_ID.
H5T.set_size SIZE is the size in bytes of the type or "H5T_VARIABLE".