Function Reference: H5G.create

: group_id = H5G.create (loc_id, name)
: group_id = H5G.create (loc_id, name, lcpl_id, gcpl_id, gapl_id)

Create a new group in a file. After a group has been created, links to datasets and to other groups can be added.

The loc_id and name parameters specify where the group is located. loc_id may be a file, group, dataset, named datatype or attribute in the file. If an attribute, dataset, or named datatype is specified for loc_id then the group will be created at the location where the attribute, dataset, or named datatype is attached. name is the link to the group; name may be either an absolute path in the file (the links from the root group to the new group) or a relative path from loc_id (the link(s) from the group specified by loc_id to the new group).

lcpl_id, gcpl_id, and gapl_id (optional) are property list identifiers. These property lists govern how the link to the group is created, how the group is created, and how the group can be accessed in the future, respectively. The default is 'H5P_DEFAULT'. Currently, there are no APIs for the group access property list; use 'H5P_DEFAULT'.

To conserve and release resources, the group should be closed when access is no longer required.

See also:, H5G.close

Source Code: H5G.create