Function Reference: H5S.create

: space_id = create (type)

Create a new dataspace of a particular type.

Currently supported types are as follows: 'H5S_SCALAR', 'H5S_SIMPLE', and 'H5S_NULL'. Further dataspace types may be added later.

A scalar dataspace, 'H5S_SCALAR', has a single element, though that element may be of a complex datatype, such as a compound or array datatype. By convention, the rank of a scalar dataspace is always 0 (zero); think of it geometrically as a single, dimensionless point, though that point can be complex.

A simple dataspace, H5S_SIMPLE, consists of a regular array of elements.

A null dataspace, H5S_NULL, has no data elements.

The dataspace identifier returned by this function can be released with H5S.close so that resource leaks will not occur. See also: H5S.close

Source Code: H5S.create