Function Reference: H5R.dereference

: ref_obj_id = H5R.dereference (obj_id, ref_type, ref)

Given a reference, ref, to an object or a region in an object, open that object and return an identifier.

The parameter obj_id must be a valid identifier for the HDF5 file containing the referenced object or for any object in that HDF5 file.

The parameter ref_type specifies the reference type of the reference ref. ref_type may contain either of the following values: 'H5R_OBJECT' or 'H5R_DATASET_REGION'.

The object opened with this function should be closed when it is no longer needed so that resource leaks will not develop. Use the appropriate close function such as H5O.close or H5D.close for datasets.

See also: H5O.close

Source Code: H5R.dereference